A happy baby has shining eyes. It walks open-hearted into the world and spreads magic.” – Sigrid Leo


2021 Project: Midwives for Haiti 🇭🇹

Objective: To provide support for the midwifery services in rural Haiti that is provided by the Midwives for Haiti non-profit organization. Specifically to provide (procure, assemble and ship) Mama & Baby Kits for trained birthing aides to provide to mothers and infants. (This organization was previously a beneficiary of a Rotary Foundation international project in 2011-2012).


In the early 2000s, an American woman, Nadene Brunk, recognized challenges and issues that new and expectant mothers faced in Haiti. In response, she created Midwives for Haiti to support birthing aides, mothers and babies in the country. In 2011-2012, the Rotary Foundation supported this organization by providing a fully equipped, customized Jeep for midwives/birthing aides to provide care to rural expectant and new mothers. The organization continues to provide training, health care kits, education and support for mothers in Haiti with the support of the Haitain federal health ministry.


2021 GOALS





Mama & Baby Kits


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